Publishing Research topics and articles related to Ceramic Sanitaryware, Tableware and Tiles Industry

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

On 3:58 PM by Madhawa Habarakada in ,    No comments

Ceramic tiles are classified in to 3 major groups and sub groups of them as per the water absorption and the manufacturing method.


Group I
E < 3 %

Group IIa
3 % < E , 6 %

Group IIb
6 % < E , 10 %

Group III
E . 10 %


Group AI
(see annex A)

Group AIIa–11)
(see annex B)

Group AIIb–11)
(see annex D)

Group AIII
(see annex F)

Group AIIa–21)
(see annex C)

Group AIIb–21)
(see annex E)

Dry pressed

Group BIa
E < 0,5 % (see annex G)

Group BIIa
(see annex J)

Group BIIb
(see annex K)

Group BIII 2)
(see annex L)

Group BIb
0,5 % , E < 3 % (see annex H)

Tiles made by other processes

Group CI 3)

Group CIIa 3)

Group CIIb 3)

Group CIII 3)
1)  Groups AIIa and AIIb are divided into two parts (Parts 1 and 2) with different product specifications.
2)  Group BIII covers glazed tiles only. There is a low quantity of dry-pressed unglazed tiles produced with water absorption greater than 10 % that is not covered by this product group.
3)  These tiles are not covered in this International Standard.


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